Buck the trends of society, seek not fame, but value.
Men quietly become great. They don’t seek fame or popularity. Their greatness isn’t won by image but by the content of their work and their character. This greatness comes in opposition to what our society urges us to do and who our society desires us to become. (Read This: 5 Ways Men Are Becoming Little Bitches)
Truly great men have much in common. None is without an intense work ethic. Each has an internal purpose that pushes them to do more and be more.
An internal drive and hunger opposes the external wants and desires that fuel our modern society and our modern men. Image, the desire for money and more dangerously, for fame, are at the core of why we do what we do.
Image is everything; it’s everywhere. “Men” whore themselves out. They aim to be famous more than they aim to provide value and they’re rewarded with wealth.
If the end goal is to be great at what you do and money is justifiably a measure of greatness, then why can we, too, not become whores seeking fame and fortune?
If how we get fame aids others in some way, is aspiring for fame and image and popularity not a good thing? Why toil in silence when it’s image and bravado that makes men in modern society famous, rich, and important?
Am I seeking fame or am I working for the sake of the work, getting better at what I do for the sake of perfecting my craft?
When your value as a man is dependent on the opinions of others, you can never truly be happy nor content nor strong. The desire for fame is rooted in insecurity and weakness. The craft, whatever it may be, and the pure enjoyment and struggle that comes in a quest to perfect it, must guide you through the sea of desires that aims to pull you from the man you intend to become and the life you intend to lead.

Napoleon achieved greatness and fame but it wasn’t fame that he sought. Popularity was far from his mind and he read in silence late into the night and early in the morning while other boys in his military college chased tail and pleasure.
Men who are led by urges and desires are slaves to their biology. Men who can control what they seek and where they give their attention are free. (Read This: Men Need Freedom, But Not The Kind They Want)
When you chase popularity and fame you give the control of your happiness to something that is innately fickle.
When you aspire to become great, often in silence and without the knowledge of the masses, maybe not even your friends, you create value and purpose in a way that cannot be taken from you. You’re also practicing toughness and grit and persistence.
The man who works tirelessly at perfecting his craft is open and able to experience the process of living.
The man who seeks image and fame must abide by the rules of society or of the crowd he wishes to charm.
Your values are how you live and they cannot waiver. An attempt to become famous or popular or even to become a leader for the sake of leading others leaves you weak, too weak to expand who you are, what you do, and how you live.
Fuck fame.
Forgo popularity.
Be in your task, practice perfection in your craft.
Persistence and discipline in your life will bring you the toughness and the grit you need to do truly great things. And when the fame seekers ebb and flow your ascension will be constant and not dependent on opinions, but on the quality of your work and the content of your character.
Great men create movements, they forge change, they inspire not through selfies and vanity, but through action.
Quietly become great and if greatness takes a long time to create, persist and enjoy the struggle.
About The Author
Chad Howse: Chad’s mission is to get you in the arena, ‘marred by the dust and sweat and blood’, to help you set and achieve audacious goals in the face of fear, and not only build your ideal body, but the life you were meant to live. He’s a former 9-5er turned entrepreneur, a former scrawny amateur boxer turned muscular published fitness author. He’ll give you the kick in the ass needed to help you live a big, ambitious life.
You can contact him at –
This is tremendous work, Chad.
As I help people improve their social fluency, shyness, and public speaking skills, I am faced with this everyday: how to stay true to your values, your voice while still appealing to the public in an engaging way?
You’ve given me much to chew on, my man. Thanks!