Home Stoic Manliness Why The American Psychological Association Is Wrong: We Need More Traditional Masculinity,...

Why The American Psychological Association Is Wrong: We Need More Traditional Masculinity, Not Less.




I’m sitting at my desk when I receive a text from my old man’s best pal. It’s an article entitled, ‘Traditional masculinity‘ causes ‘homophobia’, ‘bullying’: Report, in the Toronto Star.

This is too far, is my response as I glance over an article that essentially says that what men are genetically programmed to be, what men have achieved, the achievements that have led to the highest quality of life in our history as humans, is bad. The article is in response to a new report from the American Psychological Association (APA) that says traditional masculinity is wrong.

Only the Strong Survive

Fact: we’re here today because of men with traditional masculine values. If they didn’t have them, they’d die. If we don’t have them, we lose, and our family suffers, as does our society.

That said, let’s hear this group of quacks out with an open mind.

What are the harmful aspects of traditional masculinity?

Let’s first highlight some facts. It’s better to be strong than it is to be weak. It’s better to be tough than it is to be soft. If you’re weak and soft you’re going to quit, fail, you won’t be able to support your family, you don’t be able to compete against adverseries who are tough and strong, and you won’t be happy.

So what does the organization say are the harmful aspects of masculinity?

“The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity – marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression – is, on the whole, harmful.”

This displays the laughable idiocy of organizations like the APA. They list four incredibly important and beneficial attributes that serve anyone, let alone men trying to make it in the world, trying to better the world, trying to protect and provide for their family.

Stoicism is the ability to understand that the event doesn’t matter so much as our reaction to it. Being a stoic is choosing to focus on what we can control over what we can’t. It’s quite literally the proper way to live, so as to not be a victim, to be able to do the best with where you are and what you have.

Competitiveness has resulted in every major and minor evolution in our species, in technology, and as a society. Without competitiveness we’d still be hunting with our hands. Without competitiveness, people don’t want to improve their life, and a life that isn’t improved isn’t really a life, it’s an existence, and acceptance that you have no control over anything. Life without competition is simply hell.

Dominance isn’t really a masculine trait, especially not a traditional masculine trait. For thousands of years a man’s primary goal was to protect his family, provide for his family, and build his family. Family always came first. To dominate them wasn’t his objective. Even men who craved power, they simply craved power, it wasn’t the domination of others, it was fulfilling what they saw as their reason for being here. And this was only a very minute few. The Roman Definition for Masculinity is excellence in all things – that’s as traditional as you can get, Ancient Rome, how is striving for excellence in all things bad?

Aggression is a beautiful and wildly necessary attribute. It’s the best antidote to fear you can have. Aggression can defeat a bully, it can conquer an obstacle, it can move a man forward when he would otherwise be paralyzed by fear. Fear and aggression cannot coexist, so what you’re saying is that we’re better off afraid?

Man Are Men Because of Our Balls

Quite literally, the differences between men and women are the result of testosterone. Testosterone led to changes in our brain, or physiology and physique and thus, our role. We’re typically bigger and stronger, we also can’t have babies. Thus, it has been our sole role for thousands of years to hunt and gather. We also defend.

You cannot change what and who a man is. If he’s ambitious, don’t quell it. If he’s tough, help him develop it further. If he’s weak, make him tough, because weakness – as they’ve said – isn’t a masculine trait.

More from the article, this is gold:

“Traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behaviour, result in gender role strain and gender role conflict, and negatively influence mental health and physical health,” the report warns.

Among the pillars of “masculinity ideology” are “anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence.”

Ah, the “gender role straing and gender role conflict” that masculine men go through (NONSENSE). Gender roles aren’t real. Men are men, women are women. We’re not acting, we’re not confining ourselves to a certain way to act. We act as we do because we are men, and the best thing you can tell a boy is to man up, he’ll know exactly what it means, it means to stop complaining and work harder. It means to not be a pussy and to be tough – well done! When has toughness ever harmed anyone?

Let’s also keep in mind that this is the same APA that deemed pedofilia was a ‘sexual orientation’, something they later claimed was a typo (nonsense). So they’re not exactly credible.

There is no role strain or conflict. This is something made up and very new. It’s the result of the blurring of genders and the making up of new ones to aphese confused people – and I’m not attacking people with gender dysphoria, or transgenderism, it’s just that they make up a very small part of the population, maybe 0.01% of 0.01%, so to say that men and young men have conflicts about their role is a dubious and harmful claim. You’re trying to treat the majority like they’re a minute fraction of a minority.

It’s the wrong way to deal with this.

Anti-feminity? Of course! What man would want to be feminine. Adventure, how in God’s name is that a bad pursuit? Risk? We’re more prone to risk because of our testosterone levels, it’s a very direct result of something we innately have, so to deny that we’re more aggressive, more prone to risk, and that we even enjoy violence, is to tell men and boys to be something they are not.

The APA is telling transgenders to be who they think they are, while at the same time telling men that being who they are isn’t healthy, and that they should actually turn their back on who they are and try to be more feminine.

You know what’s coming…

The attributes that the APA hate most are effects of testosterone. The limitation of testosterone is a cure to these awesome and wonderful side effects. It’s a wonder when they’re start prescribing estrogen pills to men to change their harmful behaviors.

Another quote:

“Though men benefit from patriarchy, they are also impinged upon by patriarchy,” said Ronald F. Levant, EdD, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and co-editor of the APA volume The Psychology of Men and Masculinities.

Here’s what’s wrong with this statement from the start: There Is No Patriarchy.

Here’s a look at the most dangerous jobs in America (not including being a soldier)…

Here’s a nice stat sheet for the ‘oppressed’ and hyper sensitive women of the #metoo movement.

Yes, men, the creators of this patriarchy also actively sought out the most dangerous jobs. They’re so privilaged that they decided they’d die at a higher rate than women. Not in the graph above is the fact that men commit suicide twice as much as women, maybe more.

This is also a dangerous narative for the survival of our species. For thousands of years men and women have been working together to raise families and tribes and communities and nations. We have not bee in opposition, nor have we thought of ourselves as opponents. We literally need one another to create a family, to grow a family, and to extend the species.

Yet, organizations like the APA, whom the government – especially the schooling system – holds in high regard when it comes to making policies – DANGEROUS – wants to pit men against women, it wants to create a patriarchy that doesn’t exist.

The result, of course, will be that our boys will be taught to be women and more feminine in schools, especially public schools. All forms of masculinity will be taken out of state-funded institutions. And being straight will eventually be outlawed at this rate.

The lunacy is incredible.

A year ago I was on my lawn doing some yardwork when a woman approached me. She was doing the census. She asked if she could ask me some questions. I obliged, and the first question was, “Are you a man or woman or other?”

My heart dropped, what a ridiculous question. What a ridiculous question for her to have to ask, and I told her so. She agreed. She’d asked thousands of people that question and almost all of them had the same response, and not one of them answered the question differently than their appearance would convey. She went on to say that her son is in public school, and they now have a third washroom for the third gender that doesn’t exist.

You’re Doing More Harm Than Good, APA

I don’t think this report is aimed to help anyone. To deny people the right to be who they are, and not just who they think they are, but who they actually are, and to dency the truths about the goodness of masculinity, to paint it with a bad brush, and to pit men and women against one another, is insidenous.

There’s no attempt to do good by saying that traditional masculinity is harmful.

There is only evil.

You’re setting up policies that would create more victims. We do not need more victims. And then there’s suicide.

Women attempt suicide about twice as frequent as men do, and yet men are up to 75% more successful. The reason is that we attempt suicide by violent means, because we’re more violent. Now you may say that by making men soft, you’re going to diminish that success rate. No, because women attempt suicide far more than men, by making men act like women you’re simply going to increase their rate of attempts while at the same time removing from them the values that helped men cope with the weight of the world.

Suicide is on the rise, not on the decline. The Greatest Generation, who had to deal with the Great Depression and then the Second World War, committed suicide less than we do today. The problem isn’t that we’re too masculine, it’s that we’re not masculine enough.

Men do not need an excuse. We do not need to talk more about our feelings. We need a purpose. We need a challenge. We need to feel like men.

By getting them young and influencing their behavior – which is what I suspect an organization like this will aim to do by influencing public school policy – you’re going to create far more confusion, while also compounding an inability to deal with it.

Without the stoicism, the toughness, the grit, the ability to endure and persist, the values that are traditional masculinity, you remove a young man’s ability to cope with the brutality and toughness of life. You will increase suicide rates. You will increase the amount of men taking medication for depression. You will increase the number of men who can’t take care of their families. You will degrade an entire section of society and relagate them to the pitiful state of victimhood.

That said, you’ll also have far more patients paying you hourly fees, likely government-subsidized because this will turn into an epidemic of soft males who cannot lead industries or households and will fold under the pressure, unlike those great men of the Greatest Generation who faced far tougher obstacles.

Maybe that’s your aim.

Why You Need More Testosterone, Aggression, Competition, and Stoicism

Alright, I got all of that out. And I don’t even think I cussed.

So, the battle lines have been drawn. We can see what they’re doing, where the end goal is, or where this will lead.

They want to rid our society of the virtuous and good, the masculine values that created the first great nations in history, defended against Nazism, Communism, and Socialism, that allowed all races and religions the same opportunity, the pursuit of happiness. And I’d also add, the pursuit of wealth, success, and greatness.

While the right to this pursuit was won and created by great men and great women, and the masculine values they took to court, to the battlefield, to a new land, you will only win the pursuit with the masculine values that organizations like the APA aim to destroy.

The same goes for your sons.

While they influence government and education policy and practice, you have to be dilligent. You have to actively seek out ways to create the strong, stoic, powerful, reliable, dependable, ‘archaic’, masculine man that you are genetically hardwired to become.

For those that want to develop such virtues, we go through them in The Average to Alpha Tribe, with a course calld the Barbarian Virtues, modelled after this Theodore Roosevelt quote:

“Over-sentimentality, over-softness, in fact washiness and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people. Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail.”

And I’ve created a Tribe of sorts to develop them through trials, by adopting a tougher life, rather than an easier one.

If you want to be tougher, stronger, more successful, more ambitious, more dangerous, then learn more about the Average 2 Alpha Tribe HERE<


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Chad Howse

Chad’s mission is to get you in the arena, ‘marred by the dust and sweat and blood’, to help you set and achieve audacious goals in the face of fear, and not only build your ideal body, but the life you were meant to live.

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