Success isn’t merely an option, but a duty. It’s a duty for every man, no matter his color, creed, religion, or birthplace. (Read This: To Reach Your Potential Is an Expectation, Not an Anomaly)
It doesn’t matter if you were born in slums or in your county’s biggest mansion, you must do the absolute best you can do with what you have and in every case I’ve come across we have far more than we acknowledge because acknowledging our hunger, our talent, and our ability would mean accepting responsibility for making the most of it.
Few in our society want to do this. We’d much rather play the victim role. We’d much rather see the odds stacked against us and use them as an excuse for mediocrity in every facet of our lives.
Admittedly, the exception to the rule is guys like you; the guys who’ve connected here and on other platforms like this clearly have a desire to improve, a desire to stop making excuses, man up, and take responsibility for their lives.
However – and this is a big one – we can always do more, be more, expect more, and achieve more.
The state of manhood in our modern time is one of dilution. For those that don’t know – and this seems to be a growing number – men and women are different. We are biologically different. Science shows us our differences very overtly and plainly. The masculine energy is also very different from the feminine. The masculine is colder emotionally, it sucks, but it’s just how we are. Our thought process is more chronological and logical.
We experience an event and that’s the end of it. We see what happened in cause and effect and in a linear fashion.(Read This: The Event Doesn’t Matter. Your Reaction To It Does)
The feminine, however, feels far more intelligently than the masculine. Their emotional intelligence is greater, and their strengths are very unique. Take my mom and dad, for example. My mom’s social intelligence in that she can read a person’s intentions, is greater than my old man’s. My old man’s strengths are dealing with problems and people without allowing emotions into the fold. Both are important. Both are necessary. Both are unique.
We’re also very similar in that we’re human. Men and women can be both masculine and feminine in how they deal with problems or find solutions or how we think, not, however, in who they are nor what they’re biologically here to do.
Women are incredibly tough. Giving birth is a gift that only they possess possibly because men are bed-ridden at the slightest hint of a cold.
To think, however, that we’re the same, and to expect the same from men and from women is ignorant. It flies in the face of thousands of years of evolution where each played a role in society, and because of their biology, each was asked to be and do different things within the tribes they existed in.
The Dilution of the Sexes Due to Innovation
If we were thrust back to a time before the home, central heating, cars, plains, and trains, men and women would once again have to fit into their roles for society to grow and thrive and for mankind as a species to grow and thrive.
When we don’t have to fit into the hunter or gatherer roles that our hormones once dictated we take up, we’re able to flow into whichever role we like. Men don’t have to hunt and gather, nor defend and protect. We have supermarkets and we have police.
There is nothing wrong with this, it just is.
There is much good in innovation, clearly.
The world has never been safer. And thanks to things like capitalism, it’s also never been wealthier and the wealth gap on a worldwide scope has never been so closely tied together. There aren’t kings and surfs. We rooted out and destroyed communism and socialism, at least partially, giving each a way out of poverty. Though the rich are still incredibly rich in comparison to the poor, there are fewer deathly poor than there ever have been. More people have access to the things they need to have access to in order to survive largely because of innovation, though much work still needs to be done.
Our lives are also easier. They’re likely easier than the lives that kings and queens once lived. We have to do virtually nothing to survive. We just have to show up, do what we’re told, and collect money for doing it.
There is also a bad side to innovation, and we’re not going to talk about war or the new nature of government control, yet, instead we’re going to talk about the soul of men and how innovation has, in part, allowed them to become little bitches.
It’s in knowing and understanding causes that we can understand solutions in our own lives, if, that is, you’re not a little bitch and you’re fine with taking action.
The Liar, the Bitch, and the Coward
When I say little bitches, it’s clear what I mean. The wuss, the sissy, the pussy, the complainer, the victim. It isn’t a disparaging remark hurled at women, and it’s silly that I even have to highlight that, but I do. So let’s move onward.
For a species to thrive and populate, men and women have to have sex, make a baby, and then see that baby to adulthood. Hundreds of years ago, seeing that baby to adulthood was far from guaranteed. In fact, it was unlikely. It required much attention, affection, love, and a watchful eye from its mother.
It’s in this beautiful gift, the gift of being able to have a child that we have the most necessary aspect to our species. Before daycare and nannies, women had to ensure the safety of their own child when it was at its most vulnerable.
The man didn’t have an option as to what he would do, and nor did the woman. He had to provide and protect his family while his wife had to give birth to and raise them. It was a harsh world. If a man or a woman wanted to carry on their legacy, they had to do so as a team.
A woman, having to cook and take care of kids all day likely putting time in the fields as well, would not want to hear a man complain about whatever he had to do no matter how tough it was. It was and still should be off-putting and a massive turn off to hear a man bitch about having to earn and hunt and gather food for his family.
His role was his role. It was so because of biology. A complaint did no good. To complain about the way things are is useless. Options didn’t exist so complaints had no place in a home.
In a societal scope things were different. Complaining wasn’t rampant, but the desire to be free, was. Freedom has been a goal for men and women, forever. Some even fought and died in its pursuit. They wanted to raise their families on their own land and not have to pay taxes to a king or emperor.
The roles within a home were set, but the roles within a society could be contended if enough men rose up and fought for freedom.
The result of thousands of years of tyranny was, at the time, a free Scotland – thanks to men like William Wallace – and closer to home, a free America. (Read This: To Live as William Wallace Lived)
What you have to know about America is that it was the first truly free society where men governed themselves. It wasn’t that way before Europeans conquered the land and Native Americans had tribal leaders and fought and warred other tribes (I’m reading a book right now on Tecumseh, they too wanted a free nation of their own, but it’s something that could never have happened so long as they and the Europeans saw themselves as living under different laws and rules. Anyhow, we usually gloss over how North America was conquered by saying it was “settled”. It wasn’t. It was conquered just like every other civilization before it, be it China, Japan, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and so on and so forth. In making it sound nicer, we make ourselves feel better, but we also put the Native Americans at an even worse place. As every society before assimilated those who they conquered and eventually lived with them, employing them, evolving with them, we’ve kept the Native Americans on the outside. Rather than including, we’ve paid them to remain on their own, and that’s resulted in horrible consequences for what was one of the greatest warrior cultures the world had ever seen. Natives warred with other tribes who had chiefs, or kinds or lords. They conquered one another’s lands for hundreds of years, but were eventually conquered themselves.).
This article’s going off on a tangent of its own, fast. Back to America.
America was the first society without a monarchy, without a single ruler but rather a ruler that was at the behest of the people. It’s even set up so that states technically rule themselves, with cities, towns, and county’s also having a say over how they’re governed.
In Canada, we’re basically subservient to one single rule. We didn’t fight for freedom and have always been a part of the Commonwealth. Our government does not reflect each region, but is centralized so that one body makes the same laws for everyone, no matter if they’re in a small town in the mountains or a big city on the water. What’s sad is that you’re seeing a shift in America toward a centralized government and in the process the freedoms of the individuals and the individual states are being lost.
America was born from a people who wanted individual liberty over personal power. It’s best shown in their first president, the man who could have been king but stayed in power for only a single term, setting the stage for leaders to follow his lead (I’m speaking of George Washington of course).
Freedom has always been something men have yearned and longed for. It’s in our DNA to want to be free. Moses led the Israelites through a horrendous and traitorous march just for freedom. Cato died trying to keep Rome a nation for the people. William Wallace died for an idea, one that he was never truly able to experience. Christ died for a different kind of freedom and now 2 billion people follow his teachings for that same kind of freedom.
Freedom has been fought for up until we, the little bitches. (Question: Are You Wasting Their Sacrifice?)
1. We’re Sacrificing Freedom Because of Fear
Men once knew why they were here, or at least what they had to do on a daily basis. They didn’t complain because there was no reason for it to exist.
Men once also sought something more, something greater that finally came to fruition with formation of America, as we’ve already discussed. Men now, however, would rather have less responsibility and as a result, less freedom.
We don’t want to be responsible for how we spend our money, nor what we spend it on. We’re afraid of being taken advantage of, and averse to due diligence, and so we regulate. We allow one bad apple to be used to enact laws that prevent others from even attempting to start a business or provide a service.
We were attacked, the lot of us, the free world. And so we enact laws that inhibit the freedoms of the masses.
People shoot other people, and because of this, we want to remove one man’s right to protect his home and hunt and stop others from taking what he’s worked hard to build. And so, we want to disarm. We’re afraid, and rather than being responsible for our own safety, we want to give that responsibility to a governing body. (Read This: The Coward Wants Rules. What We Need Is Freedom)
Think about that point like this: America was born in defiance of tyranny. It was born in defiance of an entity that wanted to be the only one who was armed. When you have an entity that is armed and it alone is armed, you have a single entity that can rule. The Nazis and the communists of China and the USSR knew this, that to take control of a population, you must first disarm them. And today we allow our fear and our desire for safety to enable this same loss of freedom. We, the little bitches.
But it extends even further to the myth that is land ownership. Some guy, some time ago abused the land he lived on. And then it happened again. It could be 1 out of 1 million landowners did something wrong on their land that negatively effected others around them and in their community, and so we vote to take freedom away from all land owners. We’re afraid. We’re afraid that one guy will cut down the wrong tree or dig an illegal ditch. And so we create rules that, at least in North America, make land ownership a myth.
Another guy is a dick, and he has a big dog. The dog isn’t innately evil, but after having spent years with this dick, he becomes a dick. The dick dog then attacks another dog or a human or maybe he eats a cat (good for him on that front, cats exist only to shit in other people’s yards). Then there’s another dick who gets that same dog because it’s big and awesome. Another attack happens. Rather than stopping dicks from buying awesome dogs, we stop everyone from buying awesome dogs, because we’re pussies. We don’t want to be responsible for our own safety, nor the governing of our own neighborhoods, so we ruin it for the lot.
Men are little bitches.
We’re little bitches because we’re afraid of responsibility.
Another great example is the family. The family is fleeting. It’s fleeting on the whole and within subcultures. Black Americas once had the highest family rates amongst every group in America. They now have by far the lowest, and people have the gall to point to external reasons for the decline of a once proud and good and increasingly successful tribe.
We vote like pussies.
You ideology doesn’t matter. Whether you’re conservative or liberal is irrelevant. You cannot vote to inhibit freedom and still call yourself a man.
We do this because we don’t want responsibility. We don’t want to have to think. We don’t want to have to defend. So we vote in laws that go against everything that men have fought and died for, be it William Wallace or Mr. Washington, we’re unraveling everything that good, honest, strong, and free men have fought and died for.
We live like pussies.
We come home from a long day’s work, and we complain. We cry about our boss or how we’re being treated unfairly. Where we once had little option as to what we could do with our lives, we now have infinite options and with said options have come an infinite amount of excuses and things to bitch and moan about.
Where women once would tolerate a man’s complaints, they now want their men to open up, to talk more about the feelings that none of us really have and have to make them up just to give the lady what she wants.
We live like pussies because we buck our responsibilities daily. We take everything we have for granted and yet we want more. We compare ourselves to others and we want what they have. We covet everyone’s wife and house and dog, car, and job. We get fit not by living an active life, by hunting or warring, but in a gym where we’re surrounded by mirrors and we wonder why our society is so vain.
We’re seeing our pussification come about in wholesale movements…
2. We’re Leading Jealous, Envious, Lazy Lives.
Those lazy bastards we saw in the occupy Wall Street movement didn’t understand that it is not their right to get what someone else has worked for, but it’s their obligation to work for everything they’re capable of getting.
Success isn’t something that is nice to achieve. Success is something you must be for wasting what potential you have is a sin against your God, your parents, and the men who’ve died for years protecting the pursuit that you somehow feel you have the right not to engage in.
It’s these same people who want to remove systems like capitalism and replace them with socialism and communism. Capitalism is a system based on merit. The argument they have is that it gives certain members an unfair advantage over others. They’re completely ignorant to the notion that both socialism and communism make wealth a birthright as well as mediocrity. Wherever you are born in socialism or communism, you’re likely to remain.
Capitalism is freedom. Freedom is what the little bitches now fear, no matter what the evidence points to. They want to restrict laws and take what others have earned because they’re too lazy to earn it themselves. The inequality in our countries exists. The unfair inequality exists not because of too much freedom, but due to a lack of it. Every valid study of economic freedom shows that where it exists, equality increases.
Economic freedom correlates directly to greater equality. What sucks is that you actually have to work for what you want rather than camping around, chanting and crying, wishing for it to occur. The occupy movement was born out of both weakness and ignorance.
But what about taxes? Would a man who has a lot wanting to pay more taxes not be out of goodness and kindness and is this not more manly?
No, and for a number of reasons.
For one, the taxes we pay are largely wasted. A governing body who spends the money that others have earned cannot help but spend that money frivolously. If you have money and you want to do real good in your society, you’d best do it through the right charity, or by putting that money back into the free market and creating more jobs.
Second, increasing taxes isn’t helping your fellow man, we’ve already noted that more help exists in charity or giving to your church or creating more jobs. Increasing taxes is telling another man what he should do with his money, and this is incredibly weak.
3. We’re Bucking Our Fatherly Responsibilities.
We have a way out for every action. There is no consequence for anything we do. We have sex. Make a baby. And then kill that baby because it’s not the right time to raise it. We leave women alone to make that decision on their own. We leave the seed we planted in the hands of a killer because it would inconvenience our lives.
There is truth to the notion that the child will have a tougher upbringing if brought into the world at a tumultuous time. The woman’s concern that a child can’t come into the world without food or two parents to raise it is real. Who’s fault is this? How can it not be the man’s? How can food and security and direction be brought into the life of a child? Through parenting, and yet men are leaving or leading women to make the decision to kill their baby and society sees it as not only justified, but good?
This is clearly an article pointing men to their weakness, not pointing at women and exposing their faults. A man who walks his girlfriend to the abortion doctor isn’t doing it out of love or compassion, but out of a desire to avoid fatherhood, or at least push it back a few years. He rationalizes it by saying it’s done out of compassion, but we all know it’s done out of a selfish desire to have things go as planned.
Your desire to abort would be justified if the deed was never done, if sex never actually occurred and the baby just popped out of nothingness – but even in the single case of this happening, Joseph stood by Mary and raised young Jesus. If Jesus were to come back in today’s society it’s likely he wouldn’t make it out of the womb…
… Because modern men are little bitches.
4. We Pity.
Want to know who societies greatest feminists are? Soldiers. They’re in Iraq or Afghanistan where women genuinely have no rights, they cannot vote, nor show their face, and they’re fighting for the majority of the Afghans and Iraqis who want freedom. Men and women who start businesses and employ women and men based on merit are feminists not because they see the feminine as weak and needing a hand out, but because they see the intelligence and work ethic that they need in their company. Their feminism is about action, not pity. Then there are those men who don’t listen to statistics nor logic nor are they willing to fight for women.
We call them male feminists.
The gender wage gap, for instance, exists, just not on a per job basis, and no matter what evidence you look at, male feminist’s pity for the opposite sex gets in the way of logic. Rather than seeing freedom as a solution, male feminists want more racist and sexist laws to single out those they pity and see as incapable.
They want women in the military or in firefighting to have a different set of tests to pass that are far easier than the ones that the men have to pass, not because they love women, but because they view them as a lesser being, a group that needs a hand out.
It’s these same feminists who will walk their lady to the abortionist. It’s these same feminists who won’t open a car door nor pay for dinner nor protect and defend his lady – nor even call her his lady nor him her man. If these modern feminists were thrown back to a time without technology, they wouldn’t know what to do, nor would they be able to fit the role that biology dictated they fit. Rather than seeing the uniqueness in women, the strengths that men don’t possess, they see the success of the modern women judged by masculine rules.
In their eyes, women cannot be successful unless they’re successful in ways and areas where men thrive. They want rules enacted to “help women”, blind to the fact that the more economically free a society is, the greater the equality. They want rules to create equality when it’s freedom that allows merit to determine who deserves what, and women and men being equally intelligent, end up being far more equal where freedom is enabled.
5. We’re Becoming Hyper-Sensitive.
PC is rooted in weakness. It’s weakness because it’s a hypersensitivity that creates more division than it does bring people together.

There isn’t a group that needs a helping hand, nor another that needs to be punished. It’s political correctness, however, that forces us to see how we’re different, be it by sex or race, and to rush to judgement when someone is comfortable with our differences, even joking around about our various cultures and creeds.
Political correctness is the weak brainchild of the pussified male. It’s what will destroy him as other cultures give a rat’s ass about political correctness. We can’t call a terrorist a radical Islamist even though he follows the religion. It’s in this weakness and ignorance that we don’t allow a religion to reform. Christianity needed reformation, as does Islam, yet it’s political correctness that refused to see this reality and by the numbers, it’s Muslims to are being slaughtered far more than any other group as a result.
To act with love you must also act with strength.
Where there is no strength, love cannot come to fruition, and it’s things like political correctness, borne of good intentions, that have allowed weakness to control them and turn them into evil.
The rise of political correctness has also brought about the rise of the sensitive male. There has never been a man I’ve respected who’s uttered the words, “that’s offensive” or “I’m offended”. To allow someone to offend you with mere words or insensitivity is cowardly.
How to Stop the Pussification of Men
I just went over how men are being pussies not to point the finger but to open the blinds.
We’re ignorant to this stuff. I know I am a lot of the time. I slide into being a little bitch when I complain or I look at another man’s life with envy or I sleep in or I don’t do the work that needs to be done.
There’s a part of us that’s always going to be a little bitch, but we’re also bred warriors. Our ancestry is filled with warriors. Men like Washington and Wallace, Napoleon and Tecumseh. The Vikings, the Scots, the Anglo Saxons, Romans, Chinese, Samurai, and Maori. The Spartans and Zande and Aztecs and Persians and Arabs and the Mongols.
We all come from hunters and gatherers and are here only because some man in our lineage fought and defended his family better than the others.
We live in a society where we have to do very little. We can get away with laziness. We can very well thrive being little bitches. But we cannot truly experience the gift of life if we complain and quit, cower in fear and wilt under pressure. We cannot be free if we constantly succumb to fear.
Where men are strong and self-reliant, men and women are also free. Equality and economic freedom go hand in hand. Where an economy grows freely more people enjoy in the wealth.
Forget about society for a second, and focus on yourself.
Do the things in your own life, both the big decisions and moments, and the smaller, daily actions, that will make you tough. Get up earlier than you are now. Do your chores everyday. Keep your house clean. Work hard. Work harder. Set bigger goals. Push yourself. Persist. By God, persist. Don’t you dare quit. Life isn’t a race. It isn’t a quick burst of hard work. It’s long and arduous and often unkind. But you’re a man for fuck’s sake. You’re a man and a warrior and the world needs you to act as such, to live as such, to vote as such, to father as such, and to be as such.
Man up.

About The Author
Chad Howse: Chad’s mission is to get you in the arena, ‘marred by the dust and sweat and blood’, to help you set and achieve audacious goals in the face of fear, and not only build your ideal body, but the life you were meant to live. He’s a former 9-5er turned entrepreneur, a former scrawny amateur boxer turned muscular published fitness author. He’ll give you the kick in the ass needed to help you live a big, ambitious life.
You can contact him at –
Dude, I am reading this at the right time. This spoke to me very clearly and it’s helping me realize some things I can take control over in my life with work, lifting, faith, and my relationship with my wife. I work in a fitness club as a coach, it is a very fluffy-globo-gym facility, and its making me soft. But that doesn’t matter, is been my choices that have led me to become soft. I can control that. I want to thank you for writing this article. I have only been following your blog and Man Diet for a couple weeks now. Keep it up my man.
That’s great to hear, glad you’re on the Diet too. Appreciate it brother!
Excellent piece here and very comprehensive! Point 3 is particularly poignant as most ‘adult males’ my age would rather play xbox and get loaded than even think about fatherhood. It’s like neverland and everyone wants to be peter pan haha!
Well done to sites like this however.
Couldn’t agree with you more, man.
Fantastic, as always, Chad!
Blood and soil ideology
great article. my first time reading his writings. glad I found it.
Damn. Depussification in 3….2…1…..back to USMC boot camp…how have I forgot those lessons? Good stuff this!
I have never read anything that made the hair stand on my neck like this before! It is as if he took notes from my thoughts over the past 2yrs. This moved me to now become the man that I should be. My hat is off to you my friend. Thanks for creating this piece for me to read.
Great to hear man!
I hate to nit-pick, but this is chalked full of errors.
“America was the first society without a monarchy” –
No, not even close, in fact it was modeled after the two most famous historical examples, the Greek City-States and the Roman Republic.
“It’s best shown in their first president, the man who could have been king but stayed in power for only a single term” –
Again, no. Washington served two terms and could not have been king, as the system was specifically set up to avoid monarchy. Washington would have taken another term, but this time he had made enough enemies that he would not have been able to run unopposed as he hate in 1792. So he stepped aside.
“Thanks to things like capitalism, it’s also never been wealthier and the wealth gap on a worldwide scope has never been so closely tied together.” –
The exact opposite is actually true. In the days of hunter-gathers there was no class system, no wealth, no personal property. We are a wealthier more developed world, but the gap between the haves and have-nots has never been greater. There exists today people who have no food, no land, no shelter and conversely, those who fly in airplanes constructed at a cost that could feed that other person’s entire village for a lifetime.
“As every society before assimilated those who they conquered and eventually lived with them, employing them, evolving with them, we’ve kept the Native Americans on the outside.” –
Holy wrong. Again the opposite is actually true. For a long time people just slaughtered the rival civilizations they came across. Almost never was assimilation an option. You kill the men and enslave the women children. Everybody knows that.
“People shoot other people, and because of this, we want to remove one man’s right to protect his home and hunt and stop others from taking what he’s worked hard to build.” –
Who does? I’ve never seen anyone seriously suggest that.
“It was born in defiance of an entity that wanted to be the only one who was armed.”
-This is absolutely false. Brittian never tried to disarm the colonists. They merely tried to force them to buy all guns and powder from England. I’ve read dozens of books on the revolutionary period, nonsense like this never comes up, at all.
“The Nazis and the communists of China and the USSR knew this, that to take control of a population, you must first disarm them. And today we allow our fear and our desire for safety to enable this same loss of freedom. We, the little bitches.”
Who is scared? The people you describe (which don’t exist as no one has been disarmed) or you who is afraid of something that hasn’t happened and isn’t going to?
“Rather than stopping dicks from buying awesome dogs, we stop everyone from buying awesome dogs, because we’re pussies.”
-Let me know when this happens. Again, who is scared?
Thanks for the comment.
Many points of yours are wrong.
Washington turned down a third. My mistake on one term though.
Income gap. Check your stats. It’s never been better on a worldwide basis. The more places like China and India that go more capitalistic, the better it will continue to get.
Could go on.
.. Anyway. Thanks for the comment.
Many points?
Income inequality is debatable, in that it’s worse now than ever. But in the United States alone it’s the worst it’s been in 100 years according to experts. This is from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities…
“The broad facts of income inequality over the past six decades are easily summarized:
The years from the end of World War II into the 1970s were ones of substantial economic growth and broadly shared prosperity.
Incomes grew rapidly and at roughly the same rate up and down the income ladder, roughly doubling in inflation-adjusted terms between the late 1940s and early 1970s.
The income gap between those high up the income ladder and those on the middle and lower rungs — while substantial — did not change much during this period.
Beginning in the 1970s, economic growth slowed and the income gap widened.
Income growth for households in the middle and lower parts of the distribution slowed sharply, while incomes at the top continued to grow strongly.
The concentration of income at the very top of the distribution rose to levels last seen more than 80 years ago (during the “Roaring Twenties”).”
As for GW, like I said, I hate to nit-pick, but getting such obvious things wrong suggests a complete lack of fact-checking. Not that this makes your piece shit, but it could push a lot of readers away.
Some details on George…
Washington did turn down the chance to run for a third term yes, and cited his desire to avoid becoming a “king”. But that was just lip-service according to most historians. Jefferson would have opposed him, he did not want to be opposed, he almost refused a second term when opposition was being considered. Washington liked to be wanted, that was his thing according to the biographies I’ve read. I think it’s important to note that his actions weren’t some historical precedent either as Franklin Roosevelt would win four elections in the 20th century.
And what about the monarchy thing? You either didn’t know about Greece and Rome (let alone Native and Pastoral societies) or choose to ignore them. I bring it up because you’re writing a very emotional piece, making yourself vulnerable and showing your real feelings. If you abandon honesty or due diligence, you undermine a piece like this.
People who know you may understand you’re not hateful or ignorant or whatever else hair-trigger conclusion they might draw, but your audience, some like me being first introduced to you, are going to see such obvious mistakes as dishonest or lazy. It shows you’re more concerned about making your point to people who already agree with you than open dialogue with someone like me who disagrees.
Anyway, you can skip all that if you want, but I have to say my main complaint with the piece is that I just don’t agree. I don’t think Men today are somehow worse because they are more emotional or thoughtful or quicker to consider others feelings. In reality the role of men and women has been ever evolving. You’re right to note that there are obvious differences and that it’s not sexist or misogynistic to point those out. But in general what’s worse about a society that is much less violent, with longer life expectancy and greater standards of human decency than we’ve ever seen?
You didn’t read the article to take a look at others views. You read it to find flaws or incorrect statements in your view. Maybe you need to take a little step back and read your own comments. You are the person I have issue with in life. You don’t have a conversation to be enlightened. You have a conversation waiting for the moment to jump in. You probably talk over those in real life conversations as well. Never hearing them out. Just trying to push your view or quickly googling facts of the conversation looking for misrepresentation of a fact. It’s the reason this guy wrote this article that brings you out. You can’t stand for anyone that makes since or goes against your ideal. I could care less if there was one fact that was right. It’s the whole idea of the article that matters. In no way is it a positive direction we as a country is headed. Weak leaders making broad stroke knee jerk reactions to please medias. Not focusing on the repricutions of there decisions. I think with all your fact finding ability. You would take not to all of the societies you stated were successful are no longer in existence. Because of there inability to see how they made it where they were. Then they went away from the hard work and passion to succeed. They all got fat and lazy. That led them to become weak. No true leader. No one focused on the what if. There will always be someone trying to knock someone off the top of the mountain. It is easy to get to the top far much more difficult to stay there. So you should be greatful there are guys with the mind set to keep us on the right track.
You won t have guns soon look out America stricter laws on guns are coming
Excuse me? Soldiers are femanists? Really come say that to my face and see how that ends up, dumb ass fucking hippy.
Haha first off. Fuck you for calling me a hippie. Second. No one I respect more than those who serve.
So read the point I make.
It isn’t the liberal hippies who are actually standing up for women, it’s those who defend them from the likes of ISIS, the taliban, and so forth.
Make sense?
No, choose your fucking words better. I’ve already showed this to a few other Soldiers and they got pissed off too, and my question is, did you ever serve?
Feminism means supporting women’s rights, I have never served but I do believe that soldiers are fighting for both the rights of men and women
How can you be offended by the notion that the only ones who are truly protecting our women worldwide is our military?
This guy is most likely trolling. He just joined Disqus on the 11th and only to post his 2 rants.
There is nothing wrong with what you stated or how you stated it.
Didn’t see that. Thanks. How people can spend their TIME just being idiots makes no sense.
Well, you spend all of your time being an idiot on this site …..
waaa you offended me cause I need everything spelled out for me because I’m a little bitch
Jack, I think that you missed the point. He is giving credit to the military as the entity which defends all rights rather than the source of a particular political ideology or movement. I would add police and other emergency responders, but this is Chad’s page and I think there is much to what he said.
Great article! (EXCEPT the PC part about Muslims.) Call it what it is, the most destructive religion the world has ever seen. How many Nobel Prizes from Muslims? Compared to Jews and Christians? FACTS. BUT SERIOUSLY, I liked the rest of the article.
Good stuff. Turning around the old arguments which existed for turning men into pansies. Then challenging them to re-establish responsible masculinity. Well done!
Chad – Great article! You capture a lot of truths I’ve often argued and have been accused of over simplifying life…the world.
Though, I will admit I am a bitch to the NHL…drop everything to watch my Capitals.
Damn right
My thoughts exactly!
I partially blame the deterioration of Manhood on what I call “Eve Syndrome”.
Woman have charmed/wormed their way in and crippled society and men since the beginning of time…
The big ones:
Eve – brought sin
The 60s – Destroyed our families/homes – created LatchKey kids
Planned Parenthood – don’t even get me started
Modern Hollywood (Murphy Brown/Disgusting people like Rosie O’Donnell, Whoopie Goldberg and on and on) – demasculate men in TV/film by making them look useless/helpless/foolish instead of the role as “Head of house”
For some bizarre reason it has become commonplace and “funny” in sitcoms/films to make dads look like bumbling idiots and the moms are the intellectual heros of the household.
Liberals/Media – Hillary, Debbie Wasser Schultz, Pelosi, Maddow…
As a woman, I am quite proud/blessed by the gifts with which I have been endowed.
I am strong but do not claim to be stronger or better than a man – God created us to work WITH man. There are things that I can do that men can not and vice versa – both are valuable to a society/family.
It is pathetic how LOUD the voice of the liberal/man-hating beasts have become.
I hope they are silenced in the next election!
Wow, you now have 100 guys lined up Courtney if your current guy skips .. One thing you said really hits the nail on the head “For some bizarre reason it has become commonplace and “funny” in sitcoms/films to make dads look like bumbling idiots and the moms are the intellectual heros of the household.” THANKYOU for saying it. Women are our equals and may I say are very very strong human beings (After seeing childbirth..OMG) but we both do things differently and have our own strengths. Unfortunately there are some guys who have ruined it for the rest of us by bashing women and children. If you did that in a village 500 years ago, the rest of the guys would have bashed into him for doing it.
Well thank you Dave. I know that I’m not alone in my thoughts. …but women who share my mindset have been silenced by the PC left and loud women that rule their.
PS Let me know where the 100 men are lining up – love to see what kind of guys are drawn to the truth. 😉
Cheers ~
Glad you broke from your societal programming. Most women can’t/ don’t want to ever break from it.
Courtney I love this. We need more perspectives like this, perspectives that are actually founded on the way things are. This is refreshing to read.
Thank you Chad~
I absolutely love your writing…almost like you read my diary Ha
I hope that more common sense, strong women with character and a voice start reading your blog and others…then speak out against the liberal machine that has a tight grip on the vocal cords of the conservative voice.
Keep up the great work – I am hooked on your words 🙂
appreciate it!
Actually, Adam brought the sin while Eve was deceived. That’s why Christ was born of a virgin woman. The Bible even says that the sins of the fathers are passed on to the next generation, but it never says that about women.
I get the general theme and overtone of the whole article. Guys toughen up.. fair enough. 5000 years ago communities stuck together (they had to just to survive) and there was no mega rich and poor like today and we hunted and grew our own food. But we also had tyrant kings who killed you and your loved ones if you did not worship their gods and did what they said. Before 1913 I would have agreed with you Chad.
However, we are now living in a world post 1913 (Creation of the U.S federal reserve) that is detached from the dollar and we now have fiat currency that the Banks can print at will that devalues as time goes on. Eventually, the bubble will and has to pop. Sorry Chad, but the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and the wealth divide has never been so great.
Education, Employment, governments, media etc etc.. the list goes on, is all rigged to keep us in line, distracted and dumb… and is one big game of chess and we are the pawns. Yes, some rise up to become a bishop, knight, rook etc and luck, who your parents are and hard work can play a part.. but the system is rigged to have the whole world put into classes from poor to rich.. to mega rich. The Rothschild’s, Rockefellers and a few other elite families control the whole damn thing and the world is now waking up and I don’t think the elite like it. It doesn’t matter who you vote for because they are all financed by the same people. Just like the wars.
There is 2 choices to take. Play the game that they created in secret in 1913 or a revolution of the people and make sure no government takes control like they do now. The people always have the power to toss them out on there asses. The government do want to disarm everyone.. so they have no power to overthrow the government when required. The U.S was created by the people for the people.. but that has gone out the window now.
I could go on and on.. but no point really. It will come crashing down soon just like Rome and other civilisations before it. Suddenly those Preppers are starting to make a lot more sense.
A lot covered here. Great points. Re: the rich getting richer, that happens with things like the federal reserve, that you covered, which is anti-capitalism, and as government intertwines with the economy, which is what we’re seeing now in most countries in the west. We haven’t been free nations for decades. I don’t agree with a lot of what Trump has said, but he’s the only candidate on either side who can’t be bought. Look at Obama’s relationship with Soros, it’s sickening what that man has done.
They thrive off poverty. They thrive where weak men are the norm. I agree with most of what you say here, man.
Re: worldwide income inequality, as countries like China and India, and continents like Africa become more capitalistic, and we move more toward socialism, that gap – worldwide – is actually closing. And I think that has a lot to do with what you’ve said here as well.
What’s funny is that those who claim they want to close the gap in the west favor giving the government more control, more power, more influence in how we earn a living and live.
Check out this talk:
This is something EVERYONE should be reading: Men so we can get back to doing truly manly things, and women so they know what the look for in a man.
The most Unmanly thing men do now , is SIMPING to their women…. ANY man who responds with “Yes, dear” to their woman/wife, is a simp and embarrassing to men with a Y gene.
As for number 2 – meritocracy is a myth. The idea that capitalism is based on merit is an absolutely absurd notion. Please name me 1 billionaire who wasn’t born into money, and I’ll name you 10 who were. The whole idea of capitalism is that you must have capital. You must have money to make money. Do you honestly believe that the top 1% all made their fortunes based on merit? Did they all make their billions of dollars with hard work? Does the privilege you are born into really have nothing to do with it? Ridiculous. Labourers will make shit wages and die poor no matter how hard they work. Even if they invest wisely, they will never make enough capital to jump classes. Capitalism, by design, uses labourers to profit the wealthy. That’s probably what the occupy movement is about. I doubt they are all a bunch of lazy slackers looking for handouts (although some may be). They are concerned about a system which is NOT based on merit, a system which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, with a disparity of wealth that keeps increasing. Now I don’t follow or really care about the occupy movement, but to say that capitalism is based on merit is unfortunately just plain wrong.
Forbes did the stats. 70% of billionaires aren’t born into wealth. Another study found 40%.
Every peer-reviewed study on a free market economy vs a more socialist economy has found that the free market economy out performs the socialist economy of the same scale in:
– equality
-overall wealth
– prosperity from top to bottom.
It’s nice that you think these things. They’re just false.
While I may have overestimated the number of billionaires born into extreme wealth, that doesn’t make my point wrong. As you have stated, Forbes says that 70% of it’s billionaires made it completely on their own, while other studies show that only 35-40% come from middle class or lower families. That is a large discrepancy, which shows that meritocracy does not play nearly as large of a role in success as companies like Forbes would have you believe.
I have never argued for socialism or against capitalism. What I am saying is that believing that merit plays a bigger role in success than the privilege you are born with is an unhealthy and politically dangerous view. Privilege needs to be taken into account in order to create an equitable society with equal opportunities for those born into less privileged circumstances.
No it doesn’t. You can’t “punish” the privileged without also punishing the self-made. You can’t create a “level playing field” without also hurting those who’ve done it on their own.
You can’t attack big corporations without also hurting small businesses and hurting the thousands of people both employ in the process.
Sure, say that privilege exists, of course it does. But who cares. Most will use it as an excuse not to work or hustle or sacrifice and persist, or to apply themselves at all. You have to pay more attention to the 40% who made it on their own than you do on the 60% who didn’t.
What you also have to understand is that in the west, every dollar was at some point self-made. So you want to inhibit a man’s freedom to leave his children whatever he worked so hard to create?
The point still remains that a more economically free country will have less income-inequality than a society with more regulations, taxes, and laws.
So if you really want to help the poor, stop the over regulation that we’re seeing.
If you want to keep the rich, rich, by all means keep this marriage of big government and big corporations that we’re seeing, under the guise of helping the poor by taking more in taxes and preventing far more people from being able to start a business on their own.
While you sit there worrying about other peoples privilege you are missing the greatest privilege of all and that is you being born in a free country and that you can as well become a millionaire, if not a billionaire if you put yourself towards that goal. Instead you are just looking for reasons to blame society for your lack of it.
Capitalism is the best economic system that exists. It isn’t perfect, but it works because humans, at least until recently, were naturally competitive, and capitalism supports that. Socialism and communism do not work because humans do not naturally want to share all the stuff they worked for with people who didn’t bother. I don’t know how anyone with any brain cells has trouble with this concept.
well written..
This is so incredibly refreshing to read. It is absolutely true, but the reactions you get by addressing these issues so frankly and honestly are nearly violent.
Where is there a forum for Men with these values to share our ideas and find some level of brotherhood? Nearly all the men I am surrounded by are bitches. HELP!
extremely well written and shown to be me by a man who inspires all he knows Dr. Dale Comstock and now that I have seen this from you I will definetly also look to your writings to help keep me motivated thank you
Appreciate it man, glad to have you here!
I’m not a work out guy or too physical so can’t speak to that, however, I have watched the “Pussification of Men” happen right before my eyes. I was never given a silver spoon and rather complain I’ve chosen to bust ass, work hard and be a man. I make pretty good money now NOT because some hand out but as a consequence of my own actions. I see too many so called men on FaceBook and other places doing nothing more than making excuses and demanding a white knight on a horse (a politician) solve all their issues and give them a damn hand out. It’s really a sad thing to see and I hope men more and more take responsibility for their own outcomes. Thanks for great article I found it very inspiring.
Awesome reply buddy I too am witnessing the deteriorating spirit of what I seen as a man growing up. My dad is the picture of a man. Never backed away from a situation never abandoned his duties to his family. No matter what the task never complained and still doesn’t to this day. He never asked a political figure to help our family or took any hand outs. I can remember some tight times as a child. He carried us through it all never a somber moment. That’s what a man is the one that makes you feel bad for complaining. Made you feel no matter how bad you have it you haven’t seen 1/4 of what he has. All the while being thankful and never thinking he is any less than the best.
You may like the work by Stefan Molyneux. In short, breaks down how the welfare state is creating dependency and single mothers. His work is quite incredible. Here’s the link-
I thought this was gonna be an interesting read… Instead it’s just another emo-over-privelaged white boy crying and ranting over some non existent bullshit.
Yawn, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is an article that I hope spreads like wildfire. Have you considered speaking publicly at colleges or high schools? I think this is something many people can benefit from. I believe this article you crafted can changes lives for the better.
I understand and agree with what you’re saying about freedom, but you have to consider the alternative. People should not be free to pollute a water source and poison other people. People should not be free to take massive financial risks with other people’s money, crash the economy and affect people’s jobs. Politicians should not be able to sell our laws to the highest bidder. Our society is far too integrated to let people do as they please, especially those with power. People will always act in the detriment of others, not because they are malicious, but because they are selfish. Without those rules, there is no recourse for those that have been wronged – unless you’re suggesting that they are free to extract their own vengeance. If wanting to see those that willfully hurt others punished makes me a sissy, than so be it.
Wow another blowhard writing on the emasculation of men to a group of emasculated men. How original.
That last one about “Political Correctness” AUGGHH!!! I hate it! It’s made pussies out of men; and has been used to silence any real dissent. Great article Chad!
I have only one word,
Go read his “experiments!!”
I’m not sure if he did the “Over population in the Rat Lab” experiment…but the observation was astounding…and this was the “1970’s!!!!!” In the controlled cage when “overpopulation” became rampant…two things were observed in the “RATS!!” they became extremely violent and “Homosexuality” became the norm!! It was only an “Observation” but look at our society today?? Is it “Natures’ way” of trying to regain a “Balance” in our World??? ””””””………”Just sayin'”
Got Gunz……..OUTLAW!!!!,
Can’t sleep…its 3:30 AM (CST)…found this somehow…been thinking about the state of this country all day. Pissed all the time because of the pussification of America and how I’ve become a puss. Have a 13 year old son and worried about his future…can see his manhood dying to come out, but suppressed by how pussified our American culture is becoming. Somehow I was directed here…maybe by God…46 years old and I’ve fallen into this “little bitch” mentality too damn often lately. This is what we need so badly…someone to give us a big kick in the ass. Thanks Chad!
appreciate it brother! Keep fighting
I am a woman and disagree with many of the things you’ve outlined but I respect your logic and wholeheartedly agree with your basic take on the notions of responsibility, accountability and discipline . The last paragraph is perfect enough to be a printed and framed. Excellent insights even for me a woman! Thank you!
Wow, just stumbled upon this place …. and what a load of shit. Good lord dude, go vote for fucking trump, clutch your gun, and tell you wife to get in the kitchen where she belongs …. right? What a piece of shit of a human you must be … Funny, cant find anything on here about your wife or kids …. because who the fuck would love and mate with a neckbeard like you? God help us all if people like you continue to exist.
Your site was just called to my attention today. You rock Chad! Give ’em hell!
“Women are incredibly tough. Giving birth is a gift that only they possess possibly because men are bed-ridden at the slightest hint of a cold. “
What a bullschit brainwashed generalization to make it seem like women are somehow better than men. this crazy notion is foisted on men by the Feminist simping society, and firmly brainwashed into them that they are somehow lower than women and less pain tolerant because of ONE biological function, child birth. Apparently they skip over the suffering of men therrest of the times she is in her ovulation cycle having her period, but who counts that time while they literally make ALL of our lives hell.
Speak for yourself (if you believe this to be TRUE) I don’t do that at all. I am bedridden only when illness becomes so bad I MUST stop and be bedridden to get over it.
The human race is still only in it’s infancy and thanks to those power hungry warrior types, has proved it self to be a cancer to this planet..
We are out breading every other species and over breeding ourselves into early extinction,
mainly only the lowest common denominator are the ones reproducing.
You don’t need to be a spartan macho man to breed, any loser with a penis can do it and so the biology angle is crap, who gives a fuck..
your article is full of shit just like most stupid humanity, the world would be a better place with more feminine energy in it…
Other than the final paragraph, this essay is complete garbage. Nothing but generalizations upon generalizations without a shred of evidence for a single claim. On top of that, there are contradictions everywhere. You talk about the uselessness of complaining, as you complain about our generations men. You talk about just focusing on yourself (admittedly, for only a moment)- but in the very next paragraph say how the world needs us to be the best men we are capable of being. There was the idea of this applying to people of all political beliefs, despite clearly favoring conservative ideologies and deligitimizing the ideals that many liberals stand for. The irony being that most of these liberal objectives are very masculine in nature; to protect those who cannot currently defend themselves. I don’t understand why so many people can’t respect that.
And also- the whole concept about us being ruled by political correctness is absolute BULLSHIT. It’s nothing but a transparent disregard for problems that hurt other people- usually people that don’t look quite like you do. I don’t see anyone taking issue with having to be too PC about the seriousness of cancer. Maybe because the disease affects everyone, of all cultures. It’s really a simple concept. Just respect the pain that other people have gone through, pain that you don’t have any idea about. But I guess that’s too much to ask from people who don’t even respect themselves.
Your not getting it. He is not contradicting himself. You talk as if its black / white. Its very complex so there will be gray areas that have to over lap. That over lap is where you see contradiction. How old are you? From what you’ve wrote. I would think your a smart person but either very young or very inexperienced in life. PC is a problem. He is not saying fuck all your feelings and problems. Just be a man and keep going. He is just saying for ppl to be real and to be honest with reality and that bad shit sometimes happen and that you have to suck it up and take it on the chin. Not on all things. You say there is no evidence. Fuck man, it’s call common since . its called seeing it and hearing it day in and day out all through out your life. I wish u nothing but the best brother but you have a reality check coming your way at some point. Good luck.
Boom! Copy this and off to getting off my lazy behind!
Some truth, mixed with a lot of bullshit. MGTOW
Good article but Washington served two terms.
yeah lets just give shit lords in the gov’t 100k a year and then 100k each year after they retire.. they earned it unlike the rest of us. Right? Right?
yes, well if you need to work in an office, you have to at least make them think that you are pussified and might even be gay…
but if you have lots of money, then you can be whatever you dream up
fuck political corectness and whoever created it should burn in a lake of lava!!!
thanks brother!
What a load of stereotype bullshit.
Good piece. But you need to shorten your prose in this short attn spanned world. Article could have been 1/2 as long and nailed it just the same.
Lmfao soon every man is gonna be dressed like a fag and you ameri cans won t ever be allowed to own guns the only pple who are allowed to own guns is cops now in more and more places in America long live America the times have come for its collapse
I am no longer interested in women. They have taken so much from me and I have received so little in return. I now realize a woman has no value to me. So, I don’t interact with them anymore.
I am not lazy, I am not anything negative. I am just not going to play a game that is rigged against me. My father worked his entire life – 40 years – and at the end, he was left with $30,000 in assets. The women took all his assets and he desperately tried to please them and hold onto them.
I see the light. I am not as naive as my father was. I no longer associate with women. No benefit to do so. Men don’t need women. It is wrong to wake up everyday and think otherwise. My life is fine without a lady – I am much happier and much wealthier and much more productive.
To the author, woman are not more physcially capable to take pain because of child birth. A man can slice his knee open with a chainsaw and return to work the next day after receiving stitches. Ask a woman to do that and watch the look on her face when she tells you ‘no way in hell’.
Think of how the men had to endure the harshness of WWI and WWII. Ask yourself if women would be capable of doing so. If women were more capable than men,they would defeat men at boxing or iron man competitions beause they wouldn’t feel the pain of the competition. Please don’t over estimate a woman’s pain endurance simply because she has a biological birth canal.
I wouldn’t use the term ‘man up’ when trying to encourage the modern man. We see through that psychological bullshit. I don’t care who thinks I am man enough – any female or any male. I don’t care to be thought of as man enough in anyone’s eyes. I live my life for me now. I no longer try to please women and I no longer care what another man thinks of my manliness.
A woman will never care for a man. A woman only thinks of the man in her life as a resource. She is incapable of true love or comittment. A woman is a taker. You can’t get water from a stone because it has none. You can’t get love from a woman because she has none to give.
Don’t be a pussy. Be the kind of guy who will do anything for pussy. Got it.